
Red Violet is written by Elisabeth, a United Statesian who moved to France in 2009 and became a dual citizen in 2019. When not blogging, testing new recipes or reviewing vegan products, she works as a freelance French to English translator, editor and writer.

Supervising her and walking unconcernedly across the keyboard are Sésame, a handsome marble tabby who was rescued near the Champs-Elysées in 2015 as a two-day-old abandoned kitten. They live in a suburb of Paris.

Topics featured here include (vegan) food, interesting things in Paris, literature, languages and cultures, the visual arts and travels around Europe and farther afield. There’s also the odd musing about the human condition and what it’s like to be a foreigner.

To inquire about a partnership for the promotion of vegan or other ethical products, please write to Elisabeth via the contact page.

Also check out the Red Violet Instagram account for random new photos several times a week.